We get it. There are lots of people who can teach you a few of the basics of how to get started on Etsy.
The problem is...most Etsy gurus tell you to focus on hot trends and creating products for a ton of different niches, hoping you hit the jackpot and they don't share everything, because at the end of the day they're creating their own competition.
With our Brand building model, we completely “flip the script”. Instead of chasing trends and hoping a product hits big, we focus on a specific NICHE and dominate it.
We focus on creating a BRAND that has multiple products for the same customer. This allows us to increase our order sizes from one customer and have them come back to buy more in the future.
If you want to spend time chasing trends and constantly having to launch NEW products to recover the sales you lose when the competition comes (and they always do), this might not be for you.
BUT if you want to learn the brand building model, spend less time to sell MORE products to a group of raving fans AND get the step-by-step roadmap and templates we use to do the same thing...you'll want to join 1.2.3. POD